Starts With

Enhanced Therapeutic Holistic Ongoing Support
Care Consultancy Services
in Cambridgeshire
ETHOS Nursing provides expert advice, guidance and support in Nursing and Care Home Management and Compliance. Our Care Consultancy Services in Cambridgeshire, East of England and surrounding counties are brought to you using our specialist knowledge of CQC regulation, clinical skills and operational management, in which we can assist you with the running and management of all aspects of your service.
We take pride
in our work
With our proven track record and years of experience in Care Consultancy Services, we specialise in creating bespoke solutions tailored to the specific needs of you and your home. Whether it be audits and quality assurance, care plans, risk assessments, training or anything in between, the health of your home is our priority.

Sam Styles-Hudson (RGN), Owner
With over 19 years of experience in the care sector, Care Consultant and Registered Adult Nurse Sam combines her experience of Nursing Home Management with her strong clinical background in the Royal Air Force. Both her career and business experience allowed Sam to be personally recognised by HRH Prince Charles for her service during a tour of Afghanistan, after receiving a Royal invitation to attend their Highgrove House Garden Party. After opening ETHOS Nursing in 2015, Sam and her team now offer professional and bespoke Care Consultancy Services in Cambridgeshire and bordering counties.